Miriam's Song

Miriam's Song Inspires Others
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Ascension: Easter 7A: Worship Resources

A Call to Worship
One: Sing to God!
Many: Sing a new song!
One: The Christ has ascended.
Many: We praise his holy name.
One: The Holy Spirit has been given.
Many: We thank God and sing.
One: Sing to God!
Many: We gather to glorify God’s name!
A Prayer of Confession (based on Acts 1:6-14)
Forgive us, God. We pay too much attention to false prophets who claim to know things that Jesus made clear to us that we could not know. We stand, looking up into the sky, with our mouths hanging open, wondering when something exciting will happen. Meanwhile, you have given us the Holy Spirit and explained clearly that there is work to be done. What is it that we think could be more exciting than that? Forgive us for staring off into space waiting for something when we should be sharing the good news that we are called to share – to feed the hungry, the clothe the naked, to visit those in prison – forgive us when we fail you by being idle admirers rather than faithful disciples. Forgive us, God. Amen.